stacey driver

Put Your Credit in Good Standing

Blog | posted on June 9, 2022

You’ve been renting for a year or so, and you want to buy your own home. Before you do anything, you need to check your credit and make sure it’s in good order. A low credit score could mean you won’t get as good an interest rate as if your score were higher, and you may be required to pay more down.

Start early to improve your score if it’s low. If you have numerous credit cards with high interest rates and large balances, start paying them off as soon as possible. Don’t ever put yourself in the position of paying late charges. Paying on time and paying more than the required payment shows good faith and dependability to lenders.

Also, while you’re waiting to buy your dream home, don’t make any new purchases because that new Mustang or Jeep payment can be detrimental to your good credit score.

Once your credit score is higher, you’re all set. That new car can wait until you have the house purchase signed, sealed and delivered.

Stacey Driver will be happy to help you with any questions you may have regarding your dream home purchase. We’re just a phone call away.

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